
Theatre, Academy, and Film – together, we're CTORA Productions, a growing production company in Lower Mainland Vancouver and Richmond, British Columbia. We present musical theatrical experiences to families and children through professional productions and the development of creative programs tailored to address the specific needs of our community.


Exceptional theatrical experiences and opportunities

CTORA Productions is an established non-profit production company that provides emerging artists in the Lower Mainland with job opportunities where they can perform in professional theatre performances. CTORA has produced a wide range of works that include live stage performances, music videos, TV series and short films. With some of the best professionals making up our creative team, every CTORA show provides stunning visual effects and dazzling sound for the enjoyment of our audience.


Dedicated to nurturing youth talent

CTORA teaches valuable musical theatre skills to empower students to excel not only on stage but in all facets of their lives. Our curriculum is designed to foster teamwork, problem-solving abilities, self-confidence, and creativity among our students. Each program is a platform for forging friendships and building unwavering confidence. Concluding each program, children get to showcase their skills to friends and family through a series of public performances that are truly memorable and rewarding. Whether it's a weekly program or summer camp, CTORA is dedicated to nurturing the theatrical talents of our young performers throughout Vancouver and the Lower Mainland.

Job Postings & Auditions

CTORA is committed to diversity in the workplace and we encourage all qualified equity and non-equity candidates to apply. We welcome artists with a broad range of backgrounds including, but not limited to: race, ethnicity, Indigeneity, gender, gender-identification, sexual orientation, class and physical ability.  Our unwavering commitment to diversity and inclusivity drives us to champion the unique visions of artists.

James and the Giant Peach Auditions

CTORA is excited to bring Roald Dahl’s whimsical and adventurous musical to Vancouver families this Halloween season again! Featuring stunning puppetry, creative set design, and costumes, this beloved musical will be an unforgettable experience for audiences of all ages.

Directed by Chris Lam | Musical Direction by Peter Abando | Choreography by Nicole Rose Bond

Audition Details
Available Roles:
  • James (Lead) – Vocal Range: B3-G5, Age Range: 10-14
    A bright and imaginative young person who finds themselves on a magical journey. Must have strong acting skills, charisma, and the ability to connect emotionally with the audience.
    Ladybug (Supporting) – Vocal Range: G3-F5
    Kind, nurturing, and protective. Ladybug is the heart of the insect family, offering wisdom and warmth to James.
  • Spider (Supporting) – Vocal Range: B3-E5
    Elegant, confident, and playful. A graceful and maternal figure with a hint of mystery.
  • Grasshopper (Supporting) – Vocal Range: C3-F4 Sophisticated, wise, and charming. A natural leader of the insects with a refined presence and a warm heart.
  • Earthworm (Supporting, Comedic Role) – Vocal Range: C2-A4
    A lovable but overly cautious character with a dry wit. Must have strong comedic timing.
  • Centipede (Supporting, Comedic Role) – Vocal Range: G2-G4
    Tough, sarcastic, but ultimately caring. Has a brash, fast-talking personality but is deeply loyal to the group.
  • Aunt Spiker & Aunt Sponge (Supporting, Villains) – Vocal Ranges: F3-F5 (Sponge), G3-G5 (Spiker)
    James’s cruel and selfish aunts. A mix of humor and villainy. Strong character actors with great comedic chemistry.
  • Ladahlord (Narrator/Magical Figure) – Vocal Range: Bb2-A4
    A mystical guide who sets James’s adventure in motion. Must be an engaging storyteller with a strong stage presence and a dynamic vocal range.
  • Ensemble & Puppeteers (All Vocal Ranges)
    Various roles including New Yorkers, reporters, seagulls, sharks, and magical creatures. Seeking versatile singers, dancers, and puppeteers to bring the world of James and the Giant Peach to life.
Audition Instructions:
  • Submit your application via the link below by March 20th.
  • Upload your resume, cover letter, and self-tape to be considered for an in-person audition.
  • Selected candidates will be invited to in-person audition schedule.
  • In person auditions: Wednesday, March 26 (5:30- 9:30 pm), Friday, March 28 (5:30-9:30)
  • Callbacks: Sunday, March 30 (11 am -5 pm)
Schedule and Requirements
Rehearsal Schedule
  • September 9, 2025 - October 16 2025, Tuesday and Thursday 6-10 pm and Saturday 11 am-5 pm)*
  •  Tech Week: October 17-23, 2025*
Performance Dates (17 shows in total)
  • Show Dates: October 24- Nov.9, 2025 (17 shows)
CTORA encourages performers of all genders, ethnicities, and abilities to audition.
Equiity under DOT agreement, Non-Equity with an honorarium of $850/actor.
Seeking Equity actors for the role of Ladahlord (Narrator/Magical Figure) only.
Seeking Non-Equity actors for all other roles.
*subject to change

Audition submissions must be received by March 20, 2025

CTORA Productions Logo



CTORA Productions acknowledges that we live, work and play on the unceded and traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples – sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh), and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) nations.